Configure email clients outlook, thunderbird etc

  • July 19, 2009

If you decide to use an email client, such as Microsoft Outlook Express, MS Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird and Eudora, here are the settings you need:

Incoming mail server (POP3/IMAP server):

Outgoing mail server (SMTP server): Or Host:

Username: the full e-mail address. Example: instead of you.

Password: Assigned in cPanel -> Email -> Manage/Add/Remove Accounts.

SMTP authentication must be enabled for the login to be successful.*

Some of our user accounts may have different mail setups in place, if the above gives you errors.  Try this:

Keep all settings same as above, but change the SMTP setting as follows:

Outgoing mail server (SMTP server): Or Host: (Where is the outgoing mail server your Internet provider provides. 

Email Ports:

  • The POP3 port for inbound emails is 110 (995 if you want to use secured POP3)
  • And the IMAP port for inbound emails is 143 (993 if you want to use secured IMAP)
  • The SMTP port for outbound emails is 25 or 2525 (465 if you want to use secured SMTP)

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